This unit focuses on revolutions (no duh, right?!), which includes political, social, and cultural upheavals that occurred during this time. The wealth and land gained by Europe in the previous unit resulted in increasing tensions between European countries and neglect of overseas colonies.

It covers major events such as the American, French, Haitian, and Latin American revolutions. You'll also see the rise of nationalism and liberalism, as new states seek to promote individual liberty and protect natural rights.

The Industrial Revolution takes off, and it changed not just production and economic systems, but also the very way humans live in society, including the rise of consumer culture and the growth of new forms of entertainment

It covers topics like the rise of capitalism, the growth of urbanization, and the shift in social classes. It reshaped social structures, gender roles, and the environment. 

The essential question to keep in mind for this unit is: What were the the causes & consequences of political & technological revolutions?

This unit explores the massive effects of industrialization. The desire for consumption drove production, which drove consumption...which led to Europe looking for access to more resources and markets.

While unit 4 was about Europe seeking land, unit 6 is more about Europe seeking resources. It's economic--take over territory to exploit labor and resources, and have new markets to sell goods produced in the industrial economy.

The essential question to keep in mind is: What were the consequences of industrialization, and how did different regions experience its impacts?

This site has an entire study guide you can use!


Click/tap the images below to expand summaries of each topic.

Unit 5

Unit 6